
Meeting of the Executive

August 23, 2005

8:30pm - Stanley's

In attendance: Bob Kohut, Brian Unger, Ken Mattice, Tim Hoffman, Doug Collins

1. State of the Union

2. Financial Report

3. New Team

4. New Scorekeeping System

5. 2005-2006 Budget

6. Schedule

7. New Bank Account

8. Rules & Regulations

9. Rosters

10. RIHL Deadbeat Policy

11. Other Business

1. State of the Union (from RIHL President, Doug Collins):

On the surface, the 2004-2005 RIHL hockey season was once again a success. Games, for the most part were competitive and enjoyable, officiating was satisfactory with minimal absenteeism, there was no serious disciplinary action, all bills were paid timely and we finished slightly in the black financially. However, at season end there were a few signals warning of a potential weakness in our structure.

One indicator, and perhaps the least of our problems - certainly for the Raiders, is that they managed to go undefeated for the entire season. This further underlines the increasing polarization of our league with the bottom teams finding it more and more difficult to compete. This is a very difficult problem to solve from a legislative point of view. We can hope that this situation will self correct, but we must consider creating conditions to assist the correction.

The Ice Cats, who have finished dead last every season that they have been in the league, finally had enough and will not return to the RIHL this year. Bringing in a stronger team would be a move to improve the situation on one end, but it could be a detriment to the future of other weaker teams.

Another looming and possibly dooming issue is the question of age. There is a clear sentiment that it is time that the league begin to age with the players. A new rule established last season moved toward reducing and eventually eliminating younger players. Unfortunately this is a double edged sword. I do not believe the current rules will allow the league to age quick enough to preserve the future for elder players. It is a hard fact of life that sooner or later older players will have to move on, but I fear the number of seniors leaving may quickly exceed the number replacing. As I personally represent those in the twilight of their hockey career, I would like to see steps taken to extend the playing life of our members.

These factors play an important role in the invitation of a new team to fill the position our sixth team. Older teams capable of competing in the RIHL are few. And, as of this year we face competition in recruiting teams in Richmond. The Coast Hockey League is introducing an over 30 division this year. They will likely attract more teams because the age limit is slightly younger and they will be allowing some younger players. Teams not ready to shed their youth will go there first. For us to survive as a league and to maintain the ideals of our demographics, we need to continue to provide a unique character of hockey that reaches a wide yet compatible playing group. It is a great challenge.

2. Financial Report:

I am pleased to announce that the RIHL totally met its financial goals for the 2004-2005 season. We finished the season with a nominal profit of $520.31, twenty dollars under the forecasted amount and satisfying the mandate of maintaining a $10,000 balance.

League Fees:

With league fees set at $5600 per team we would expect to collect $33,600. This is what the Profit and Loss Statement reports, but note that there is an expense of $500 for "Discounts Given". This is due to an over payment by the Eagles credited from last season. The Ice Cats were also granted a $200 credit for the same reason, but so far have not claimed it.

Bank Interest:

We collected a whooping $1.17 in interest from the bank. As we often had a balance of over $10,000, I find this nothing short of insulting. I hope to correct this situation this year.

Insurance Refund:

In 2003-2004, our insurer, CARHA, announced an increase of $384, but they failed to notify us until after the season. We refused payment. After a slight dispute they agreed to reverse the charge. This amount appears as income in of 2004-2005 statement, but really it was simply moved from Accounts Receivable. While it is recorded as profit in 2004-2005, it actuality belongs as a credit to the previous year's Insurance expense.

Errant Arena Charge:

Upon reviewing our 2004-2005 Ice Rentals charges I discovered we had been overcharged by $241.14. Upon further investigation I learned that Richmond Arenas had mistakenly charged the RIHL for ice time that should have been charged to the Richmond Cowboys. To simplify the matter I collected the amount from the Cowboys. It appears on the Balance Sheet as Petty Cash because the cheque was received, but not cashed before our fiscal year end.

Scorekeepers Bonus:

As agreed at our 2004-2005 Pre-season Meeting, our scorekeeper, Len Kusch was awarded a $200 bonus for a job well done.

Awards and Recognition:

We paid approximately $150 less for the same amount of trophies from the same supplier. I don't know why.

Specials Events:

The cost of Awards Night was some $250 less in 2005, partly because Stanley's gave us a special deal and partly because our attendance was down.


Insurance costs are on the rise and as they informed us properly this time, we were obligated to pay more.


We paid $41.75 to acquire a domain name for our website. This covers us for two years, but it should be noted that we have not had to pay a monthly charge for web hosting. This has been provided free of charge by one of our members. A special thanks goes out to Paul Falconer and Gastown Computers.

3. New Team

With the Ice Cats leaving the RIHL, we have to invite a new team immediately. While their have been a few prospects, we must also consider the possibility of proceeding with only 5 teams.

We currently only have two serious applications:

1. The Ice - An organization with three teams playing in various divisions in the Coast League. They intend to harvest the older players to form a team for the RIHL.

2. The Clippers - The Clippers played one season in the RIHL two years ago in a 7 team set up. The RIHL found the 7 team scenario awkward and the required Friday night ice time undesirable. As a result, the Clippers were not invited the following season.

By unanimous decision, the RIHL voted to accept the The Ice as a new team in the RIHL. The Clippers are invited to re-apply next season in hope that we can expand the league to 8 teams.

4. New Scorekeeping System:

The Coast Hockey League (who administer our officials) have installed a computerized scorekeeping system at Richmond Arenas. This system allows for live to web updates while the game is being played. It also automatically manages statistics and rosters. It is a revolutionary system that could be beneficial. It is also unproven. Naturally Coast would like us to use the system. There will be a cost, but it has not been determined at this time. We have an annual, unused budget of $400 for a Statistician, so if the amount does not exceed that we could consider it.

By unanimous decision the RIHL voted to reject the use of the new scorekeeping system and will invite Len Kusch to continue to keep score for all RIHL games in the tradition manner.

5. 2005-2006 Budget:

Richmond Arenas has announced an increase in ice rentals of 3%. This is the first increase that I can remember and with rising energy costs we should not be surprised. We also received increases in officiating and insurance costs last year.

Forecasted Budget 2005-2006:

Ice Rentals (Regular Season)... $ 21,782

Play-offs................................. $ 1,800

Officiating............................... $ 8,102

League Meeting...................... $ 200

Awards Night......................... $ 800

Insurance................................ $ 2,016

Statistician Fees...................... $ 400

Total Expenses ......................$ 35,100 / 6 = $5850

/ 5 = $7020


6 teams x $ 5600........$ 33,600

6 teams x $ 5900........$ 35,400

5 teams x $6500.........$ 32,500

5 teams x $7000.........$ 35,000

By unanimous vote League Fees fees for the 2005-2006 were set at $5900.

6. Schedule:

We are currently booked to start regular season play on September 20, 2005. There may be ice time for exhibition prior to that. We need to determine if and when we break in March.

The official schedule will be prepared shortly, with the first game on September 20, 2005. We will not play during the March break (third week of March). Inquiries will be made about Pre-season exhibition games.

7. New Bank Account:

As our current TD/Canada Trust bank account is not paying a reasonable amount of interest, we must explore alternatives either within the same bank or at another financial institution.

The League President will investigate competitive financial institutions, including Coast Capital Saving.

8. Rules and Regulations:

No new rules have been proposed at this time, however as with every year we must review RIHL rules and approve or motion to amend existing rules.

A motion was carried to defer the review of RIHL to the next meeting (Sept 12th?) When the new team can attend.

9. Rosters and Registration:

- All players must be registered. This is a one time process that must include a players name, address, phone number and date of birth. Unregistered players risk being ineligible for play-offs.

- Any team playing players not on their roster following the deadline will forfeit that game.

10. RIHL Deadbeat Policy:

It has come to our attention that certain players owing money to one team are playing on another. We need to establish a policy on how to deal with this matter. The Blackhawks have drafted a motion to address the situation and is copied below:

Don Taylor wrote:

As brought forward at our last League Meeting in January, the Blackhawks are bringing the following motion to the AGM for review and voting. The Blackhawks Team submits the following be established as RIHL Policy;

Any RIHL Player which owes money to a RIHL Team will not be permitted to play for another team - until fees owed are paid to his previous team.

Background - Rational for this motion;

The RIHL is dependent upon each team to pay its League Fees each year to operate. We are dependent upon - and trust that each team make its financial commitments. We trust and rely upon each other to pay and enable the RIHL to be maintained as a viable league. Simply put, we are FINANCIAL PARTNERS. Sooooo - when a player owes a team money, we should hold up the integrity to support each other and not enable a player to ignore their financial obligations to a previous team.

Currently, there is the stituation in which Glen Wheeler and Paul Wheeler played on the Blackhawks during the 03-04 season. They played as spares in a fairly regular basis. For the first half of the year, they paid each night. In January, it was mutually agreed to avoid the hassle of bringing money and having the correct change ... that rather than paying each game that the team manager would keep track of the games played and they would pay at the end of the season. At the end of the season, payment was avoided. Through the summer of 2004, Glenn did not return emails or phone calls. Paul had moved to Florida and was not reachable. Glen eventually moved on to the Raiders to play for the 04-05 season. The Blackhawks manager kept tight, accurate records of all spares - and can produce these as required. Glen has not responded to emails, phone calls and a fomal letter seeking payment. He owes $210 for 14 games at $15 per game, and Paul owes $120 for 8 games.

It is inappropriate and unfair to the Blackhawks to be down $330 to these two players while they participate and enjoy the benefits of the league which we have long supported and helped maintain.

All teams are partners in this league. We should support each other - by supporting this motion.

A motion was carried to defer a decision on this matter until the next meeting.

11. Other Business:

A brief discussion arose regarding changing the two-line offside rule to eliminate the centre red line. The overall sentiment was that there is no need for the RIHL to change the rule and no motion was forwarded.