Meeting of the Executive
August 27, 2007
7:00pm - Stanley's
1. Fiscal Report:
The RIHL experienced a financial loss of $1936 during the 2006-2007 season. Although this was not by design, it is an acceptable loss. A few years back it was agreed that the RIHL should try to maintain an equity near $10,000. Even with this loss, we are above that figure.
Last season we enjoyed an unexpected profit of more than $2000. As a result, we agree to rebate this money to existing teams. Ironically, this is amount is very close to the amount lost this fiscal year.
Aside from rebates, the loss can further be explained by incremental increases in a few areas, the most obvious being ice time. It should be note, however, than last season's ice expense was lower than normal due to certain circumstances.
The other area of significant increase is noted in "Awards and Recognition". This partly attributed to an accounting change were the scorekeepers bonus was recorded in this category rather than lumped in the usual Scorekeeper category. There was also an additional $220 expense to replace the missing Play-off trophy. However, the Raiders have agreed to reimburse that amount.
2. League Expansion
An opportunity has arisen to obtain an additional Wednesday night ice time at 9:15pm on the Garage. This provides room for a long sought after league expansion from 6 up to 8 teams. However, this sudden availability, makes it very difficult to find new teams on such short notice. At the same time, we are uncertain that we will even have all six of our existing teams.
In order to pursue this opportunity aggressively it is imperative that all teams, that have not done so already, immediately pay their pre-season deposit of $500. We cannot invite new teams in, take on a new ice time and then find ourselves back to six teams or less.
We have less than a week to make a decision of this before letting the ice go.
3. Underage Goaltenders:
As a league we have long since established a precedent of "looking the other way" when it comes to goaltender's age. It is pretty much agreed that in difficult situations we would rather get the game played with goaltenders rather than not. This policy has never been abused, but last season a concern was raised when in comes to play-offs.
The question of play-off eligibility also raises a question games played. The rules state that each player must play a minimum of 7 games. Some teams go with just one goaltender for most of the season, making them vulnerable should that goaltender be unable top play during the play-offs.
Moved and carried:
- No underage goaltenders may play in the play-offs
- Goaltenders without enough games played may only be played in the play-offs in an emergency situation. Either the President of Vice President must be notified prior to game time.
- Underage goaltenders may only be played during the regular season in an emergency. Either the President or Vice President must be notified prior to game time.
4. Top Goaltender Award:
Last season presented an interesting dilemma at award time. According to criteria, to receive the Top Goaltender Award, you must have played at least 60% (or 15 games). By Awards Night last season, only 3 goaltenders met that criteria. When the award was presented there were 5 goaltenders with better averages, but a few games below the required amount. I feel this rule needs to change and I invite a motion.
Moved and carried:
- Goaltenders must play 11 or more games in a 25 game schedule (45%)
5. Standings Tie Breaker
Moved and carried:
RIHL Rule 5b ammended:
Method of breaking tie at end of season:
ii. SECOND - Head to head wins
iii. THIRD - Head to head goals for and against.
iv FOURTH - Least total penalty minutes
8. 2007-2008 Budget:
The only anticipated increase in cost this season will be in ice time where a 2% increase has been announced. We can expect to pay a maximum (including play-offs) of $24,411.25 for ice, with total expenses estimate at just over $36,000 or $6000 per team.
Moved and carried:
Because we are still above $10,000 in equity, and there is a conceivable chance that expenses will be less than estimated, League Fees should remain at $5800 with any occurring losses to be recovered in next season's fees.
9. Season Schedule:
The RIHL official 2007-2008 season is scheduled to commence on Sept. 19th.
Additional ice time is available prior for exhibition or practice:
Tuesday Sept 11th - Eagles Practise
Wednesday Sept. 12th - Hawks vs Guns
Thursday Sept 13th - Available
We are scheduled to break after Dec 20 and return on January 2nd.
We still need to determine if and when we should take the March break.
10. Play-off Format:
Moved and carried:
The RIHL play-offs will be changed to assume an Olympic style round robin format.
(Details of exactly how the format works will be release shortly.)
11. Other Business:
Moved and carried:
The RIHL will adopt the no red line rule for offsides for a 5 week trial. Decision on whether or not it should continue or not will be determined after that by majority vote or the Executive.
- The RIHL will be investigating a process to reduce their referee pool to a select group of officials. This may include financial incentives.