Meeting of the Executive
February 2, 2009

1. Final League Fees
2. Final Rosters
3. Play-off Format/Awards Night
4. Future of the RIHL
5. Financial Forecast
1. Final League Fees
All teams are reported to have paid in full.
2. Final Rosters
All teams submitted their final roster. Rosters are posted on our web site.
No new players may be added for the remainder of the season.
3. Play-off Format
Last season we experimented with a new play-off format, adapting a Memorial Cup/Olympic 4 robin format. In this year's pre-season meeting, discussion of this was deferred to allow teams to poll individual players concerning this matter.
After a lengthy discussion and a final 1 week deferral for the Rangers and Guns to consult their players one final time, it was voted by a majority of 3 - 2 (Eagles not participating in the vote) to return to the traditional 2 round series.
1st place vs 4th
2nd place vs 3rd
Winners go to the Final
All series will be best of 3
4. Future of the RIHL
There is currently no opportunity to expand the RIHL, due to lack of ice time. (This could change.) More importantly, we need to insure that we have at least 6 teams for next season. The continuing concern for the league is a lack of balance, with the league being a bit top heavy.
The Eagles indicated at the beginning of the season that this would be there last season (having not won a game in the previous two seasons). However, they have managed to improve their line up this season, and have indicated that there is a strong possibility that they will be returning next season.
The addition of the Rangers to the RIHL has strengthened the league considerably, both in calibre and in stability. However, because the direction has taken a positive swing in league talent, it will limit the kind of teams we can attract, and it puts further pressure on the bottom dwelling teams.
The Cowboys, having the most elderly players in the league will be forced to adjust as a major core of this well established team (now playing their 30th season together), have aged beyond their ability to compete against the majority of younger players. Their ability to successfully make this transition may have consequences to the league.
At this time, the status quo of the league is healthy, with nothing strongly indicating the necessity to seek new teams. However, we must be ever diligent in monitoring the situation, constantly looking for opportunities for expansion and/or recruiting new teams.
5. Financial Forecast
The RIHL has managed to keep team costs down for several years, despite some increased costs. We have received notice that the management of official, as well as the cost of officials is going to increase next season.
The management of officials is contracted out to the Coast Hockey League, which has under gone some significant management changes this season. We have not had an increase from the Coast League for many years and the service has been relatively satisfactory. However, in light of the increase, it is prudent to consider options.
Teams can expect an increase in League Fees next season.