Meeting of the Executive

July 12, 2010

7:30pm - Stanley's


1. Financial Review

2. Officiating

3. Play-offs /Awards Night

4. Future of the RIHL

5. Age Issue

1. Financial Review

League fees went up considerably this season in order to cover losses from previous seasons. We should finish in the "black" this season, but we are faced with continued increases in expenses next season. The HST may affect ice costs, and will certainly increase officiating costs. While it is too soon to forecast League Fees for next season, we should be prepared for the possibility of an increase.

2. Officiating:

There has been another change in management for Coast Hockey, and it is uncertain how this might effect officiating.

3 . Play-off Format/Awards Night

There was great difficulty last season scheduling Awards Night to coincide with the finals, as a result when it was finally scheduled, it was poorly promoted and poorly attended. The scheduling of Awards Night needs to be established early and cannot be dependent on the finals.

Decision: Awards Night will take place to coincide with the first week of Play-off Games

Should we change the way in which we decide to award the Top Goaltender?

Decision: Top Goaltender Award will be decided by vote.

Overtime in play-offs became an issues for the first time, raising questions for procedure and policy. Our policy to end a play-off game with a tie, rather than forcing a shoot-out created some confusion for further overtime situations. For example, when a tie followed by a win has occurred, does a second tie result in a decision without the need for an overtime? Also, open-ended overtime has created some inconsistences. Perhaps it is better to establish a set overtime period.

Decision: Except in deciding games, overtime will fixed at 10 minutes, after which there will be no shoot-out and a tie will stand. Should a 3rd game end in a tie with one team entering the game with a point lead (eg 1 win and 1 tie), then the series will be decided without overtime. (Team wins with 1 win and 2 ties)

4. Future of the RIHL

The RIHL is slowly moving toward some stability, but there is the ever present danger of losing teams. There is a slight possibility of gaining an additional ice time next season. We should consider once again the possibility of expansion and perhaps a divisional split of the league.

5. The Age Issue

There is a concern that the league is aging beyond it's ability to sustain itself. Many key players are being forced into retirement or to move to an older league. There is a suggestion that we advance the age requirements to extend the playing career of older players. However, there is an equal concern that we provide an avenue for younger players in order to maintain a supply of players.

Decision: As we are first concerned with expanding the league, we do not wish to place further age restrictions at this time. When we have secured new teams, we will include the new teams in this discussion.

6. Other Business

No further business