Meeting of the Executive
August 27, 2012
7:30pm - Stanley's
2. Teams
3. Officiating
4. Play-offs
5. Rule Changes
6. Awards Night
The RIHL has now recorded two consecutive seasons with a financial loss placing a bit of a strain on our fiscal foundation.
The RIHL tries to keep League Fees as low as possible, but extenuating circumstances of previous years have taken their toll. In 2010-2011 we played with only 5 teams and planned to make up any loss in coming season. In 2011-2012, an effort to obtain an extra ice time to accommodate a desired expansion did not fully take into account the additional expense, particularly in the area of officiating and HST costs.
With a sufficient contingency fund in place, we have managed to absorb these shortfalls, and must take steps to restore a financial cushion.
The opportunity to expand and fill the additional Monday Night ice time has been lost as we failed to attract any new teams. Rather, we have lost a team, presenting new challenges for the RIHL.
With such difficulties before us, combined with increased costs, teams will be paying a little more this year in hopes of shoring up our financial foundation.
We will play a 28 regular game season with teams paying $8500 each.
All returning teams are required to submit a $500 deposit to secure their league membership. It is particularly important to get this payment in promptly in order to meet immediate financial obligations.
Without expansion, it is very unlikely that the RIHL will be able to keep the Monday Night ice time, unless we are somehow able to sublet it.
Near the end of last season Coast Hockey indicated that they would not be willing to continue coordinating officials for the RIHL. This poses an additional challenge for the management of the RIHL. However, recent correspondences have suggested a change of heart and we will be able to make the same arrangements, provided players improve their attitude of tolerance toward the officials.
Last season we opted to allow all 6 teams to enter the play-offs. While the system seemed to work okay, it did add an additional expense. Regardless, with only 5 teams, we will have to return to the usual 4 team play-off.
Any rule changes should be made prior to the start of the season. Mid season rule changes can only be made with 100% approval from teams.
Two new rules changes were proposed and accepted:
RIHL Rule 9.f.i "Any player receiving a 10 minute misconduct will automatically receive an addition 1 game suspension for any subsequent misconduct in the same season"
RIHL Rule 9.i "Any player accumulating excessive penalty minutes will result in the following:
i.Over thirty (30) minutes in penalties automatically assesses a one (1) game suspension.
ii.Over forty (40) minutes of penalties automatically assesses a two (2) game suspension.
iii.Over fifty (50) minutes in penalties will automatically result in a three (3) games suspension, plus a hearing of the Discipline Committee to determine if additional suspension is necessary.
RIHL Rule 9 b. "All fighting, butt ending, spearing, cross checking majors, slashing majors and intentional high sticking are five (5) minute Major Penalties and will carry an automatic 1 game suspension."
Strike RIHL Rule 9c. "All (5 minute) Major Penalties or game misconduct penalties will assess the player(s) a suspension which would include that game and for the next game that the player(s) are scheduled to play in."
Attendance to last season's Awards Night was lower than usual with only three teams represented. Two factors may have contributed to this. One, we did not offer the usual burger and beer, but more likely it took place too late in the season.
It is agreed that Awards Night is still an important event and should be maintained even with poor attendance.