5. Remaining Open Monday Nights
7. Play-off Schedule and Awards Night
Mattice, Raiders
Steve Howitt, Blackhawks
Lawrence Bourke, Cowboys
Mike Starchuk, A-team
Travis Brill, The Pioneers
Ian Thomas, Tools (late arrival)
Collins, RIHL President
Don Taylor,
RIHL Vice President
· Roster deadline: January 31st (or 7 games remaining)
· Maximum 25 skaters (If this number proves to be a problem for teams, we will review it.)
· The Player Registration system is still under going Beta testing and is hoped to be ready soon. Regardless, no new players may be added after the deadline as per RIHL Rule 2 b. ii.
· All teams have now completed payments
· A minimum of 2 new teams are require for next season if the RIHL is to survive
· 4 team round robin invitational proved successful. All of these teams will be officially issued an invitation to join the RIHL next season.
§ The Plugs are leaning toward joining and the A-team indicated some interest
§ The Pioneers are not quite ready, but not ruled out 100%
§ The Posse is essentially disbanded
§ There is a hint that another team, is interested.
· New teams will be offered to have their initiation fee waived by signing up before June 15th
· New teams will be allowed to grandfather in underage players from this season’s roster.
· New policy will be established for teams forfeiting games.
§ Teams can play with a minimum of 6 skaters (as per Hockey Canada Rules)
§ If a team cannot ice 6 players or refuses to play, they will forfeit the game with the other team being awarded a win
§ If both teams cannot meet the playing obligations, then no points will be awarded
§ The team winning by default receives credit for a game played for every player recorded on their roster
§ No players from the forfeiting team receive credit for a game played.
5. Remaining Open Monday Night spots
· There are currently 4 open ice times available on Monday night for February 17th to March 10th. Rather than return these ice times to the arena and risk losing that ice time, we will attempt to fill those spots with pickup hockey or rescheduling
· The March 17th game will be rescheduled to March 13th and the March 13th game will move to Monday, the 10th.
· We will also seeking approval from the Pioneers and Cowboys to swap February 10th from February 11th
· Review of the current officiating situation with an eye on next season
We will seek to identify and approach 8 referees
willing to dedicate to the RIHL schedule at a fee of $45 per game.
7. Play-off Schedule and Awards Night
· We will break for March Break from Mar 17 thorough Mar 20th with play-off beginning March 25th
· In lieu of the league situation, this season only Awards Night will be scaled back considerably.
· A Wind-up Night will be planned for the second game of the finals and all teams (including Invitational Teams) will be invited.