MINUTES – September 1, 2014
In Attendance:
Brad Swanson - Blackhawks
Ken Mattice – Raiders
Lawrence Bourke, Derek May – Cowboys
Josh Yaworsky, Cordell Richard – Maroons
Derek Lacroix – Plugs (arriving mid meeting, at agenda item 3)
Don Taylor – Vice President
Doug Collins - President
1. The Plugs and the Maroons were welcomed to the RIHL.
2. A financial report from the League President was presented; The 2013-2014 season was successful despite the league being reduced to just 4 teams. The implementation of an invitational series against 4 outside teams helped fill out the schedule, introduced new competition and brought in a small extra revenue.
With less teams there fewer games, translating to reduced expenses enabling the RIHL to end slightly in the ‘black’, dispelling a forecasted loss.
· Statements and Financial Report is available by request.
3. A Look at the 2014-2015 Season
· 5 teams committed to play this season, with 4 teams issued a $500 deposit. The Plugs promise to deliver their deposit this week
· An application to enter the RIHL was heard from the Rice Rockets.
o Some teams expressed opposition, citing a history of less than desirable play, noting particular players or player.
o The impact on the Cowboys was the greatest concern, with several Rice Rockets already playing on their team. Losing those top players would cause great harm
o Travis Taylor, representing the Rice Rockets, arrived to plead their case. He was surprised by the reaction of the RIHL, having been left with the impression that they would be accepted. He urged that past reputations should be dismissed and that the team had matured.
o There was some discussion about allowing the Cowboys to replenish there roster with younger players from the family.
§ Travis was excused and the discussion continued before being put to vote.
§ The application was rejected by a vote of 4 to 1 with the Cowboys supporting the application.
· A review of age restrictions
o The rule of ‘over 30’, as approved last season will remain in effect with new teams being allowed to grandfather in underage players
o As always, underage players will be under league scrutiny and may be subject to additional disciplinary action should a case arise.
o No new underage players will be allowed from any team without special application and vote
· An Option of interlocking schedule with outside teams was discussed and approved in principle.
o The Pioneers, A-Team and Rice Rockets will be invited to participate in a 5 game schedule at the cost of $750 per team.
· Monday Ice Time
o Without sufficient team numbers and no desire to play pick-up hockey, the Monday night ice time will be dropped. A request to the arena will be made to try to recover it next year, if necessary.
4. Officiating
· Option to coordinate our own officials was discussed
o A minimum of 6 qualified referees will be invited to officiate all RIHL games
o The RIHL will be fully responsible for scheduling and it is hoped that we can attract a more consistent level of refereeing.
o Qualifying RIHL refs will be offered up to $45 per game (up from $32)
· Two referees have already been approached and have expressed interest. A number of other refs will be identified and invited.
5. Financial Forecast
· Based on projections with a 5 team league, with the option of an interlocking invitational schedule, league fees were set at $8500.
o A small profit is expected to help replenish our reserves.
6. Other Business
It was pointed out that a disciplinary issue from a final game from last season had not yet been adequately dealt with. A hearing will take place prior to the start of the season.
7. Adjourned at approximately 9:30pm