In Attendance:
Collins, League President
Don Taylor, Vice President
Ryan Dyck, Blackhawks
Derek May, Cowboys
Emeet Duhra, Maroons
Ken Mattice, Raiders
Invited Guests:
Stewart, Pioneers
Mike Neudorf, Pioneers
Derek Lacroix, Plugs (proxy vote and comments forwarded)
Not Represented:
1. Finances
The 2014-2015 RIHL season was a very successful one, both in competition and financial terms. The fiscal year ending on May 31st, 2015 resulted in a surplus, restoring the RIHL’s waning financial position into very good health. As a result, it was recommended by the President that we reduce of team league fees this season.
Officiating costs were up due to a raise provided to the officials in an effort to attract good referees, but this increase did not negatively impact our bottom line.
All other expenses were in line with previous years.
The surplus is attributed solely to the addition of new teams.
Teams rejected the offer to reduce fees and voted in favour of keeping league fees at $8500 per team, in order to insure the continued financial good. It was noted that we are still one of the most affordable leagues.
A $500 deposit is payable immediately.
2. A Look at the 2015-2016 Season
All 6 teams existing teams have indicated they are returning this season.
The Pioneers has also accepted our invitation, contingent on us securing a Saturday night ice time. They wish to play the majority of their games on Saturday nights.
We have acquired a Monday 9:30pm ice time with the opportunity for a Saturday ice time as well as our usual Tuesday and Thursday ice.
We will be seeking one more new teams to complete an 8 team league.
Age restrictions will be locked at 30 years and over, with all current underage players grandfathered in. Applications for underage players will be considered on a team to team basis.
3. Officiating
We will be planning to coordinate our own officials again this season.
There are concerns about attracting capable officials, particularly on Saturday nights.
The RIHL continues to have a bad reputation among officials. The high calibre of play is a challenge for some officials, but some players need to be more disciplined and tolerant.
There was a discussion about offering a further raise up to $50 per game. It was pointed out that increasing fees may attract more officials, but not necessarily better ones. It was decided to assess our referee roster before making any decisions in this matter.
4. Player ban
The Rockets are seeking to reinstate Rob Williams who was barred from playing as a condition of the Rockets entering the league. The Rockets competed well in the 2014-2015 season and displayed good sportsmanship for the most part, boasting the fewest penalty minutes of all teams. Rob Williams was prevented from playing due to a reputation he built against himself from years gone by playing in other leagues. The Rockets feel that Williams has matured and will not poise a problem for the league. They wish the ban to be lifted.
The president spoke in favour of allowing the application on a trial basis, with a condition of immediate ejection at any incident. However, some teams were resistant to allowing the application. Other teams, may have been willing to allow it, but saw no real benefit to agreeing.
Only one team was willing to give the application a chance.
Unfortunately, the Rockets were not present at the meeting to present their case, so the application was dismissed at this time.
5. Succession Plan
Doug Collins, who has been League President for some 15 years, has indicated that the time has come to pass the torch. While still willing to help out in a big way in the management of the league, clearly the league should consider longevity of the league and appoint a new President.
No one leap to their feet to volunteer to take over, but some indicated they would be willing to help out in some way.
The president was asked to prepare a proposal for restructuring the league management, delegating certain task to other members.
Doug Collins agree to do this and promised to carry out the necessary tasks to keep the league running, with a mind to passing the reins at some point in the near future.
Doug Collins proposed that any new president being appointed on a 3 or 4 year term, rather than the current open-ended commitment.
6. RIHL Rules
From time to time it is necessary to review and update the RIHL special rules as posted on our website: http://www.rihl.ca/Rules2012.html Rule 10 specifies that rules changes are best made prior to the start of the season.
The following rules were clarified, amended or added:
Rule 1 was amended as follows:
a. Players must be 30 years of age or older on or before December 31st of the current playing season, expect as follows:
i. A underage player registered with the RIHL as of May 31st, 2015 will be allowed to continue to play.
ii. Special underage exemptions may be considered on an individual basis.
Rule 2a was amended, increasing the maximum players on roster from 25 to 30 players
Rule 3: An existing rule requiring a prepaid deposit was added to the rulebook:
b. All teams must submit a $500 deposit by August 1st to ensure there spot in the league.
Rule 4: Teams were reminded that it is the home teams responsibility to provide a scoresheet for the game.
Rule 4 was amended to include:
f. In the event that both teams forfeit, no points will be awarded.
Rule 5: Playoff structure will be amended at a later date when we know how many teams we have. Until then, it is assumed that all teams will make the play-offs.
Rule 6 & 9: Some clarification is still require regarding the Match Penalty suspension rule.
Rule 9g was amended as follows:
g. Any player accumulating excessive penalty minutes will result in the following:
i. Over thirty minutes in penalties automatically assesses a one (1) game suspension.
ii. Over forty (40) minutes of penalties automatically assesses an additional one (1) game suspension.
iii. Over fifty (50) minutes in penalties will automatically result in an additional (1) games suspension, plus a hearing of the Discipline Committee to determine if additional suspension is necessary.
7. Other Business
There was some question regarding the appropriateness of a 10 minute misconduct in the last 10 minutes adding to the accumulated penalty minutes. This infraction already carries a 1 game suspension.
The rule will stand, but an effort to communicate our suspension rule to the officials is necessary in order to ensure the most appropriate action is taken in assessing penalties. For example, a game ejection is an alternative penalty to a misconduct or game misconduct.
8. The meeting was adjourned on schedule at 8:45pm